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Join date: Apr 6, 2023


To live a healthy life is the prime goal for a great many. With all the tension and stress in your home, work and school environments, you may be among the many who are wondering how to live a healthy life.

Well, to live a healthy life involves a lot of varied factors. It is not only about physical wellness as this is only one aspect of your multi-faceted life. You are here not only to exist but to make a difference as well. To do this, you have to be healthy and live a healthy life.

Here are four different steps you can do to live a healthy life:

1. Your Emotional Health is as Important as Your Physical Health

A fundamental question to ask yourself is: How do I express my emotions? There are so many people who keep emotions pent up inside until they cannot anymore hold on to them which in turn results in emotional as well as physical breakdown. The trick here is to express yourself. Don't be afraid to vent out your anger or any strong emotion as there are positive ways to do so. You can write it if you cannot say it. You can also correct someone who has wronged by talking about the issue with him or her. Remember, when it comes to emotional health, it pays to express what you feel.

2. A Healthy Life Starts from Within

Learn to love yourself. You definitely have strengths and weaknesses; giftedness and weak points. You must learn to embrace these attributes as they will be part of you throughout your life. On one hand, you must first recognize your weaknesses in order to overcome them. On the other hand, you must make use of your strengths to further sharpen them. Socrates said: "Know Thyself." It is only through knowing yourself that you will start to love who and what you are.


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