David Heayn-Menendez
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light Network
David Heayn-Menendez brings important voices of faith communities to the climate conversation, while acknowledging how the work of Creation and tending the garden of Earth is deeply entangled with living a life of faith.
In Their Own Words
The positive side of working with faith is that we have a commitment to a larger goal to actively live as stewards of Creation. If one embraces that core mission of our traditions—to care for one another in the world—it's inescapable, it becomes part of your everyday life.
David's Call to Action
Reach out to Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light Network and we can help you to start a green congregation. Or help us write letters, make phone calls, plant trees, and educate others. There are thousands of ways in which your actions can have real and important impact for those around you.