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Our Programs

We connect people to science-based, community-driven solutions through arts and culture.

Image: Ruth Ava Lyons

Inspiration + Action = Impact

Our programs amplify underrepresented voices through creative communications, develop leadership skills through hands-on learning and community service, and explore local solutions with diverse audiences in inspiring settings.


Take a look at some of our ongoing programs below. 

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Building capacity of young, global  climate leadership through co-creation, experiential learning, and mentorship.

Artivists & Amplifiers

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Developing connections between research, artists, and local leaders for large-scale impact.  

Creative Climate Communications Lab


Celebrating the work of creatives and culture bearers through high-profile exhibits, dialogue, and training.

Creative Climate Awards

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Supporting meaningful collaboration and learning between artists, community-based initiatives, and global leaders.


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Amplifying the personal stories and calls to action from underrepresented voices in our most impacted communities.

Impact Stories

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Bridging the gaps between climate justice, health, and creative community-based action.

Urban Environmental Health Lab

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