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  • In Their Own Words

    We're not demanding our rights, we are taking back what was rightfully ours. I want my films to make people understand the importance of this. The importance of Indigenous people not only for fighting climate change, but for our very rights as human beings.


    Kami ndak nuntut hak kami, kami ka' ngembe' hak kami ngambe' uleh pulai agek kami. Aku ka' film aku to uleh mere' orang nemu enggau paham laban utai to amat penting; masyarakat adat to penting, ukai seminak enggau bejuang untuk perubahan iklim, tang ya ke paling penting hak-hak masyarakat adat sebagai mensia.

  • Kynan's Call to Action

    We've always thought really far ahead whenever we make decisions and more people should really take that into account. We need to think more about future generations and how Indigenous peoples' rights need to be recognized to ensure a much more sustainable future.


    Tiap kami ngagak keputusan kami selalu bepikir ke depan dan maek orang baom dan harus sama-sama bepekat. Kitai selalu mikir ke anak ucok kedudi ari ilak dan hak-hak masyarakat adat mesti di ako, ngambe' masa depan ya ke lebih manah agek.

  • About Kynan

    Kynan uses storytelling and film to share the resilience of his community.

    Ngena film Kynan bebagi cerita perjuangan komunitas ia.

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