The Speech of Txai Surui, 2022. Film directed by: Alexandre Juruena
The memorable and historic speech by Txai Suruí at the opening of COP-26: UN Conference on Climate Change, in Glasgow, Scotland (2021).
Txai Suruí is a Brazilian indigenous activist leader, of the Paiter-Suruí ethnic group. She was the only indigenous person in Latin America and the only Brazilian to speak at COP-26. Her speech was made in front of more than 100 heads of state and echoed across the planet.
The film was shown the following year, at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in a panel in which Txai Surui was participating.
Film made in stop motion and 2d animation by the high school students of Escola Parque (Multimedia Project).* Directed by : Students of the Multimedia Project of Escola Parque (15-16 years old)
* Mentors: Alexandre Juruena and Lilian Sodré
* Soundtrack: So Perewaitxe (Paiter Suruí) / Mawaca - Panaís Bouki.
* Paintings: Students of the Visual Arts Project of Escola Parque (professor: Eduardo Simões).
* Escola Parque - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil