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State and non-state universities: differences, detailed analysis

In this part of the article, we will consider some criteria by which commercial and non-commercial (state) can differ: training in specialties, form of admission, quality of the educational program, scholarship program, tuition fees, and distribution.

  1. Speciality. Many state universities most often provide training in all currently existing specialties, while commercial ones give preference to economics, law, and personnel management. At the same time, the state attaches greater importance to industry professions.

  2. Admission. The difficulty of entering state universities lies not only in budget places, since there are not so many of them, but also in a rich choice of educational professions. Private students have less developed diversity, so a student goes to one or another educational institution with the specific goal of enrolling in the desired specialty.

  3. Scholarship. There is no need to talk about any scholarships in private universities, since they live off the number of incoming students. The more students enter, the more the university will earn. The state has a scholarship that is paid for success during the educational process, since the state itself is interested in this, funded by places in universities.

  4. The quality of education. If a few years ago it was more prestigious to go to work in a state university, now the trend has changed, and young teachers go to work (not all, of course) in private ones. At the same time, in both types, retraining takes place, due to which they receive special certificates. That is why the level of education in both universities is approximately the same.

  5. Cost of education. The difference in the price of education no longer comes from the type of university, but from its prestige. The more prestigious the university, the more expensive the education will be. If we speak within the framework of the commercial from the non-commercial, then the cost can be the same within the framework of the same prestige, which is why such a criterion is purely individual.

  6. Distribution. Another important advantage will be an internship, as some commercial universities may offer students to choose one or another place of internship. In the state, there is distribution among state enterprises. In most cases, the distribution does not go in favor of the student.

As you understand, there is no correct concept in which type of educational institution it is best to study, it all depends on what you want.


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